ABSHERON OPERATING COMPANY is one of the world’s leading independent tank storage companies. We operate a global network of terminals located at strategic locations along major trade routes. With a strong focus on safety and sustainability, we ensure efficient, safe, and clean storage and handling of bulk liquid products and gases for our customers. By doing so, we enable the delivery of products that are vital to our economy and daily lives, ranging from oil, chemicals, gases, and LNG to biofuels and vegoils. Including our joint ventures and associates.
ABSHERON OPERATING COMPANY currently, wholly owns and operates JV with over ten different storage terminals (The Azerbaijan), port with a total capacity of over 5 million cubic meters.
The corporate headquarters are located in Azerbaijan. With our Liaison offices at the various cities where our terminals are situated. ABSHERON OPERATING COMPANY benefits from deep water access and excellent inter-land connection via seagoing vessel, barges, rail, road, and pipeline. All of our sites have expansion possibilities.
The Port of Azerbaijan is the largest port in Europe, located in Azerbaijan, The port Azerbaijan is an important hub and trade location for liquid bulk cargo products, from crude oil, gasoline, diesel, and biofuels to liquid chemicals and edible oils and fats. Businesses and traders choose the port of Azerbaijan because of its central location in Europe, the excellent maritime access, the economies of scale, the wide range of independent liquid bulk terminals, and reliable services.
In 2010 Azerbaijan was the world’s sixth-largest port in terms of annual cargo tonnage. Covering 105 square kilometers (41 sq mi), the port of Azerbaijan now stretches over a distance of 40 kilometers (25 mi).
The Port of Azerbaijan contains 122 jetties and 23 berths on buoys. It maintains 29 tugboats and 6 pilot boats. The Port of Azerbaijan has ample cargo-handling equipment, including 162 multi-purpose cranes, 103 container gantry cranes, 25 floating cranes, 22 ship-to-shore bulk cranes, 12 container cranes (rail terminals), and ten sheerleg cranes.
The Port of Azerbaijan has over 90 terminals specializing in different types of cargoes. There are 35 terminals for liquid bulk cargoes, 17 multi-purpose terminals, and 15 dry bulk terminals. The Port of Azerbaijan contains nine container terminals for deep-sea, short-sea, and inland shipping. It also has seven roll-on/roll-off terminals. It contains three juice terminals and two fruit terminals. The Port of Azerbaijan also has one terminal each for steel and paper, cars, and cruise vessels. The steel and paper terminal is an all-weather terminal.